Vegan Dishes

Fancy Vegancy (boxed) Mac & Cheese

To be honest, I’d love to say that I always make my vegan mac and cheese from scratch using purred sweet pots, cauliflower, onions, etc., but that’s just not the case.  Although I most certainly prefer the homemade healthier versions, time is of the essence more than I’d like to admit.  Boxed mac & cheese will just have to do more often than not; but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring!  I feel like mac & cheese is one of the easiest recipes to dress up.  This has always been one of my favorite dishes and was the one I was most worried about “giving up” when I went vegan.  Little did I know just how much better (AND HEALTHIER) the cruelty free versions can be.
I almost always add spinach or broccoli and tomatoes but I’ll switch up the vegan meat with Field Roast sausages or Beyond Meat burgers.  I recently diced up cubed pieces of the QUORN spicy chickn patties and it came out amazing!   Get as creative as you want adding veggies like broccoli, peas, asparagus, or carrots.  Ground up some veggie burgers or vegan meat burgers and mix… Dinner (or lunch) is served!

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